söndag 30 mars 2014

Prometheus - The Fire Thief is now out!

Around seven months of hard work has finally led up to this, the release of Prometheus - The Fire Thief! I have a few things I want to write about, but first the widget:

If you have any questions or feedback of any kind, please post a comment here or go to Prometheus's entry at Indiedb.com: http://www.indiedb.com/games/prometheus-the-fire-thief

Prometheus is a retro game and it's intended to have a difficulty close to that of NES-era games. That being said, I've tried to make it more welcoming by enabling the player to save at any point in the game among other things. I realize though that it's a possibility that the player might sometimes need a small hint in a game like this, and because of that I've also written a walkthrough right off the bat. I'm not saying that the walkthrough is required, the game is intended to be played without it, but in case you need it you can download it via the link below. If nothing else this will save me answering a lot of questions :)

lördag 29 mars 2014

Teh vidya

Today I have two videos for your perusal, one showing gameplay of Maze Dude, and a video of the test engine progress so far of Mission: Afghanistan.

Exporting Maze Dude to the iOS platforms has proven a little more problematic than I anticipated, so it will most likely take a while until I can get it up and running on there. I'm not a huge fan of Apple, but they sure know their way around user friendlieness, so I thought it would be just as easy as pressing a button to get your app in the iStore. Apparently you need a Mac (which I don't have) to be able to do that tough, information which Yo-Yo Games hid somewhere among the fine print. Oh well, I think it'll sort itself out given time. Also I need to reconfigure the game's resolution to fit the various iOS devices' screen resolution ratios.

Everything is now ready for the release of Prometheus on monday. It'll be very interesting to see what you guys think about the game. I know I'm satisfied though, and the beta testing has made it a better game. I probably could've sped up the release a bit if I had not been so generous with extra time for me to get everything sorted out. It's one of the lessons I've learned from this, and I'm sure there will be more to come.

söndag 16 mars 2014

Maze Dude

I had another dream about a game and since it was a simple enough concept, I've now developed it in a matter of only a few weeks time. It's just a small Donkey Kong-era type arcade game where you control a character that shoots enemies and collects powerups in maze-like stages. Kind of like a mash-up of Pac-Man, The Binding of Isaac, The Legend of Zelda, Castle of the Winds and Donkey Kong. It turned out quite fun as just a simple way of killing some off-time with randomly generated stages. The plan is to export it for iOS since in my opinion there is a significant shortage of good games available for those units. Since the development time has been this short for me it will be very cheap. I'm not sure at this point if I will release the PC version for free or very cheap as well, I will have to give it some more thought. Even just coding a test engine for Mission: Afghanistan will be a big and time-consuming process, so it was nice to do something more non-serious like this to clear my mind a bit.

The release of Prometheus is drawing near and I've decided to sell it via a Humble Store Widget on here. I've made a number of improvements and additions based on beta-testing feedback so far, but more are to come for sure.